Sunday, May 31, 2015

Cover Reveal: Consumed by NJ Flatman

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TITLE: Consumed
AUTHOR: NJ Flatman
GENRE: Romance/Dark Romance
SERIES: Addicted to You #1
RELEASE DATE: June 5, 2015
The problem with a love that consumes you….is what do you do when it’s gone?

Avery Bradfield didn’t believe in soul mates or true love. She wasn’t sure she believed in love at all. That is, until she met Spencer Phillips. From day one, Avery found herself consumed by Spencer and the connection that the two of them shared. He taught her that she could feel alive, happy and bonded with another on a level that most couldn’t understand.

Until she wakes up and finds that Spencer has left her…..again.

Certain that this time her relationship is over for good, Avery is forced to endure a world that alternates between happy memories of a man she can’t forget and a darkness that consumes her nearly as much as he did.

Finding herself wondering if it is possible to exist in the world when half of her soul is missing, Avery is only sure of one thing- When pain consumes your every thought, you would do almost anything to make it stop.

Join Avery Bradfield and Spencer Phillips as they venture through a love that tests their limits, pushes them through their fears and shows them that sometimes addiction takes on many forms.

Preorder Links:

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Join NJ Flatman at her Facebook Release Party to play some games, countdown to the official release and win some great prizes!

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Blog Tour: A Complicated Love by D.M.Midgley

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Book: A complicated Love
Series: Complicated Love Series #1
Genre: Contemporary
Cover design: Swish Graphics & Design
Hosted by:Francesscas Romance Reviews


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My name is Annabelle and my life was running smoothly until I recently lost my job. My only form of income. It may have been a rubbish position, but I needed it. Now I’m feeling down on my luck, not only in my career but also in my relationships. Things just can’t seem to go my way. That is, until I meet the intoxicating Mr. Lynn.

He’s sexy, kind, caring and makes me feel alive from one single touch. The only problem… he’s the owner of Lynn Publishing and my new boss!

Love is never easy and never goes to plan. People get in the way, and a form of heartbreak could inevitably end up making everything I know into a complicated love.

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What others have to say

I really enjoyed this fast-paced story that's filled with sexual tension with a few twists and turns.
I loved the characters and read it in one sitting. ~ Goodreads Review

I loved this fast paced story.The characters are all awesome and are easy to relate with.The story line flows so smoothly,you are done before you even realize it.Great Read!! ~ Goodreads Review

This book was so good! Annabelle and Joshua are amazing together!
Annabelle has had a lot of loss in her life. She lost her parents when she was young, went to live with her Aunt Sylvia. Her life really hasn’t gone to plan.. She’s been a mess in relationships and jobs. She is currently unemployed and looking. Her aunt sets her up for a PA job. She has no experience. She goes to interview, gets the good news and goes out to party the night away. She wasn’t planning on having sex with her boss but it happened. For awhile they act professional and pretend like nothing until she gets sick. She knows right away what is wrong. Both of them are scared but willing to make it work. They can’t do that with a psycho ex girlfriend still hanging around. She is out to get Annabelle and will stop at nothing to do so. This girl is beyond nuts! Joshua and Annabelle make things work even thru the tragedy. They prove to each other how much they really love each other and get their perfect happy ending. ~ Goodreads review

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Purchase links:

Amazon UK
Amazon USA
Amazon AUS
Amazon CA

Book 2 Coming Soon

An Unexpected Love

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She doesn’t want to care.

He doesn’t want a commitment.

A chance encounter at a wedding reception starts an unexpected love that is unwelcome and unwanted.

Tracy had a happy childhood. Her parents have been together forever, but love doesn’t come into the equation. They are both together to save face. Love between them died a long time ago and Tracy doesn’t want to end up like them.

Karl has loved once before and the heartbreak he felt was crushing. He can’t open his heart to another. He won’t do it. Not again.

What will happen when love grabs them both expectantly?

About The Author

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She lives in England, UK and is married with two children. At the moment she is a stay at home mum whilst her son is still at nursery.

She has been a blogger for about a year and a half and use to admin for Magic Within The Pages but in January 2015 she decided to go it alone and set up her own page called Late Night Books and Reviews. She loves helping out authors and is really enjoying promoting them on her page. Also she beta reads for a couple of authors and is always happy doing their reviews.

She loves reading and remembers her first book read on her kindle was Little Women and as a kid she loved reading Disney stories, her favourite was peter Pan.

The idea for her debut novel, A Complicated Love came about rather abruptly one night in a dream. she wasn't sure whether she could get it down on paper; however with much needed support by her author friends she has gained motivation and confidence to write her novel, This has greatly helped her inspiration and self-belief to grow.

You can follow her on facebook and keep up to date with the latest information about A Complicated Love, out April 17th 2015 and all future projects.

Stalk D.M Midgley


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Saturday, May 30, 2015

Cover Reveal: His Lily by Angela Fattig

His Lily
Angela Fattig
His Lily will take you on a journey through the life of Mark, a twenty-six years old virgin, and Lily, a beautiful overweight shy woman.
Mark is scarred by his childhood vowing to never allow a woman to get close.
Lily is a shy, sweet, and loving woman who has been hurt in the past.
The very second they come together sparks fly. Their attraction is undeniable yet they hold back. Mark is afraid he will end up like his father, depressed and alone. Lily is afraid this is just another in a long line of jokes and a guy like Mark couldn’t possibly want someone like her.
Mark’s friends see how lonely he is and devise a plan to get Mark to settle down even if it does cramp their playboy style.
Can Mark and Lily overcome their past or is it too late?

His Lily Front Cover

Teaser 3

His Lily Full Cover

Teaser 2

Mark Teaser

Teaser 1

Lily Teaser

Teaser 4

Social Links:






L.A. Fiore is the author of several books including: Beautifully Damaged, Beautifully Forgotten and Always and Forever. She's also the social secretary for her two children, a tamer of ill-mannered cats, the companion to one awesome dog and married to her best friend. She likes her wine red, her shrimp chilled and her social gatherings small and intimate.




Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Amazon Page


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Fiore-WaitingForTheOne-19857-CV-FT-V4Saffron Mills has lived all of her almost thirty years in Harrington, Maine—a small town where fishing is plenty, but available men are far too few. Yet it’s not just her dating dry spell that draws her to recent arrival Logan MacGowan. Tall, dark, and handsome, with emerald-green eyes and an impossibly hot body, Logan is a gorgeous enigma whose silence she takes for indifference…until one unforgettable chance meeting, when pent-up attraction ignites into the most intense encounter of her life.

In this quiet, quirky town, no one knows that Logan’s alter ego is famous sculptor and tabloid darling David Cambre. In New York, he had all the wrong kind of attention, but in Harrington, he’s found peace, privacy…and Saffron. She’s witty, forthright,

and so much sexier and stronger than she knows. But how do you protect the love you’ve been waiting for when your own lifestyle could be destined to rip it apart?



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cooltext118840145182708Fiore-AGlimpseOfTheDream-19883-CV-FT-V4A Glimpse of the Dream

Releasing on July 7th (Sign up tour coming SOON)

Teagan Harper is barely ten years old when she finds herself orphaned and sent away to live at Raven’s Peak, a Gothic estate on the seaside cliffs of Maine. Soon, though, her heartache and loneliness are tempered by a blossoming friendship with the only other child living at Raven’s Peak: Kane Doyle, only two years older than Teagan and abandoned by his mother. Over the years, the pair grows inseparable. First they’re pranksters and confidants, but eventually their feelings change, and best friends turn into soul mates. On the cusp of Teagan’s departure for a university in Boston, they share a glimpse into their happily-ever-after and make promises of forever.

But Teagan and Kane’s engagement and dreams of the future are shattered when Teagan returns home to find Kane gone from Raven’s Peak—and living with someone new. Devastated and heartbroken, Teagan cuts ties with her beloved adoptive home and tries to move on with her life. But years later, when the shocking truth behind Kane’s betrayal comes to light, Teagan must decide whether to embrace her new life and let go of her past once and for all, or fight for her dream life with the only man she’s ever wanted.

NEW_AGOTD teaser



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That's Novel will be Interviewing L. A. Fiore on the Radio

June 10th at 8:00 PM EST


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Blog Tour: Passport to Happiness by Debbie White

Passport to Happiness Tour Banner
Welcome to my stop on The Passport to Happiness by Debbie White Blog Tour!
To escape the often lonely and boring reality of living in a small rural town, Jessica finds comfort in reading about the many places that exist beyond her small corner of the earth. When she joins the State Department and travels abroad looking for adventure, she gets more than she imagined was ever possible. Passport to happiness is a story of strength and determination, while exploring new places, but it’s also about finding love and happiness – no matter where you hang your hat.
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Birdie and I packed large floppy hats to keep the sun off our heads – the African sun gets hot – a scarf to help keep dust out of our mouths, and canteens full of water. I wanted to take pictures but didn’t have a camera, and neither did Birdie. “Let’s stop over at the store here on the compound. I saw cameras one day when I was looking around,” she said confidently. I purchased a small Kodak camera, and a roll of film. I promised Birdie I’d get copies made of the pictures so she could have some. Birdie had her eyes set on a pair of binoculars. She wasn’t sure about spending the money. She was saving for something big.

She hadn’t told me yet what that something was. “Buy the binoculars, Birdie,” I appealed. “Those binoculars will help us to see some of the animals up close,” I added.

Andrew and Bitalo had made plans to meet at the compound’s motor pool to secure a jeep for us. Birdie and I waited outside for them. I was very excited about what we were going to see. We chatted nonstop and before we knew it, Bitalo was pulling up to park at the reserve. “Don’t forget your camera!” Birdie reminded. “Don’t forget your binoculars!” I bantered.

We were met at the gate by one of the reserve staff.

They directed us where to park our jeep, and told us where to meet for the guided tour. As we waited for the tour guide, we got acquainted with the people who would be sharing our vehicle as we drove through the savannah. We only waited about twenty minutes, but it seemed like hours. The tour guide was very warm and presented a detailed overview of what we would see. He told us some of the animals we might encounter: zebras, warthogs, buffalo, impala, and eland, the largest of African antelope! He cautioned us to stay in the vehicle at all times, and to obey all of his commands. Although he didn’t anticipate any disturbances, he said wild animals can be unpredictable, and our awareness of this fact would keep us safe.

“Get your camera ready!” Birdie exclaimed. I laughed at her.

“I’ve got it all loaded and ready to click away,” I assured her.

The driver helped us one by one to take a seat in the olive drab safari-type vehicle. Roll bars with a canopy over the top to keep some of the sun off us, and worn leather bench seats, the jeep was an exact replica of those I’d seen in magazines and books. The tour guide answered our countless questions. He told us the history of the game reserve, and going over again what we might see, when all of a sudden out of the tall grass came a warthog with a lion running fast behind it. The driver stopped the jeep suddenly so we could watch nature in action. The power and grace with which the lion ran was very impressive – the warthog, not so much. However, it ran like there was no tomorrow. They disappeared into the thick brush. I hoped for the best for the little

warthog, but something deep inside told me otherwise.

“Did you see that, Jessica?” Birdie squealed. “Yes. I couldn’t capture much on film. They were moving too fast for me. I’m afraid after we get the film developed, it could be just a blur,” I said, disgusted.

We’d traveled a little further when we came upon two lion cubs. As we watched the playful antics of the cubs, we forgot the golden rule: where there are baby animals, mothers are nearby. Just at that moment when everyone was oohing and aahing, a large female lion gingerly stepped across our path. She looked at us for a moment, and then directed her attention toward her cubs.

The four of us sat frozen, not speaking a word. Only the sounds of faint breathing could be heard and the beating of my own heart. The lioness growled, letting her little cubs know it was time to go, and off into the tall brush they ran.

“I can’t believe what we just witnessed!” I said, shaken by the experience.

“I never get tired of seeing animals in the wild, and Mother Nature at her finest.” Andrew said as he stroked my hand, trying to calm me down.

The driver continued along the dry and dusty road while the tour guide continued with his presentation. As we anticipated what we’d see next, our adrenaline began working overtime – keeping us on edge. As the jeep rounded a bend, we came to a clearing and just beyond - a large lake. Playing in the water were several elephants, spraying each other with water from their trunks. I was able to snap several pictures.

“Aren’t they cute?” I said.

“Cute?” Andrew chuckled. I’d say majestic is a better description,” he said, teasingly. I agreed. The elephants were indeed magnificent.

After a few moments, the driver continued. This time we came upon a heard of zebra’s grazing in a large field. They were swatting the flies off their rear ends just like the cows back home. They didn’t seem the least bit afraid or interested in us.

I’d have to say that all the animals amazed me in one way or another, but when we came upon a group of giraffes, I couldn’t believe how tall they were. We watched in amazement as several of them stripped the leaves off the tall branches, as we took pictures.

About Debbie White:

Debbie is an Amazon bestselling author for her book Passport to Happiness in the category of fiction/sagas. She currently resides in beautiful Sonoma County, California, where the jagged Pacific coastline meets the rolling hills cascading with vineyards. She writes romance novellas that feature strong, independent women, who when faced with adversity, or tragedy, find strength to overcome the perils that stand in their way. She’s an avid supporter of animal rescue, and happily donates a portion of sales from her books to rescue organizations. She has two adult children, and two granddaughters. In her spare time, she loves to garden, travel, enjoy family, and her beloved rescue dogs, Dash and Briar. Her real passion of course is writing, and she uses her 20+ years as a military wife as inspiration for her stories.
Feel free to visit her Website, or visit her on her Facebook or Twitter pages!

Friday, May 29, 2015

Release Day Blitz:Savage Fire by Kathleen Kelly

Title: Savage Fire
Series: Savage Angels MC #2
Author: Kathleen Kelly
 Release Date: May 29, 2015


Emily Reynolds, estranged sister
to Dane Reynolds, President of the Savage Angels MC, has just lost her
father.  He was not a caring man and
inflicted suffering on his family.  Dane
abandoned her and her mother years ago, leaving them alone to deal with a
brutal man who never showed any love or mercy. 
Emily wants Dane to feel the pain she felt, she wants him to suffer as
she did and decides to make the long drive to see him.

Salvatore Agostino, captain in
the Abruzzi crime family is also on his way to see Dane Reynolds. A ruthless
businessman, he is fiercely loyal to his family and his men.  A chance encounter brings him face to face
with Emily.

These two meet and their
attraction grows into a love that neither could have anticipated.

they be able to overcome the turmoil that awaits them or will their love be
destroyed by forces beyond their control?

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Also Available



I am completely overwhelmed. My core is on fire and I want so much to kiss him, to touch him. I feel sparks of electricity shoot through every fiber in my body and every nerve ending is screaming for release. I want his hands on me, all over me.


I put my hands on his chest and push him away. He’s too close, making it hard to form a single thought. I take two steps to the side to put some distance between us so I can speak like a human, not a lust induced zombie. “Yes, they towed my car and it’s in their lot. I haven’t really spoken to them about it yet. I kind of fell asleep on them…”

His face clouds over and he says, “You kind of fell asleep on them? What. Does. That. Mean?” He pauses between each word and growls them at me.

“Jonas took me to see Doc Jordan and he gave me something for the pain, but because I hadn’t slept in days it made me sleepy. I think he ended up carrying me to their clubhouse.” I realize how all this must sound. If someone told me that exact same story, I would be thinking the worst.

“Did they touch you, Amare?” he growls at me, his eyes blazing with anger.

“No, no, no! In fact, Jonas put a guard on my door so no one would go near me. Not that they would. I was safe, Sal.” Something crosses his face and he stares at me so intently that I look away and stare at the floor. He moves back into my space and lifts my head up. “Thank you for getting me coffee. Let’s go have breakfast and I’m buying. I think I shall keep you in my sights to make sure nothing else happens to you. I have never met a woman who allows herself to get into so many dangerous situations, in such a short space in time. You, my Amare, are a handful.” He moves away from me and does up his shirt, then grabs his jacket. He opens the door to his room and extends his arm. “Shall we?” he asks, offering me a smile that reveals his dimple. My core clenches again and I have to fight the urge to throw myself at him.

Author Bio

Kathleen Kelly was born in Penrith, NSW, Australia. When she
was four her family moved to Brisbane, QLD, Australia. Although born in NSW she
considers herself a QUEENSLANDER!!

She married her childhood sweetheart and they live in
Brisbane with their two furry kids. A British Short Hair called Grace and a
Burmese called Jack.

Kathleen enjoys writing contemporary, romance novels with a
little bit of erotica. She draws her inspiration from family, friends and the
people around her. She can often be found in cafes writing and observing the

If you have any questions about her novels or
would like to ask Kathleen a question she can be contacted via e-mail:
or she can be found on Facebook.

Author Links


Cover Reveal: House of Obsidian series by Bella Jewel

Title: Flawed Heart
Series: House of Obsidian #1
Author: Bella Jewel
Cover Design: LM Creations
 Release Date: June 22, 2015


This isn’t the man I married. 
The man I married was strong, beautiful and pure. 
The man I married cherished our lives together. 
The man I married loved me. 
This…this isn’t that man.

One night. One accident. It changes everything.
I wish I could tell you the exact moment he fell out of love with me. 
I wish I could tell you there was hope. That I hung on. That I fought. 
I wish I could tell you that we fixed it. 
That happily ever after was just out of our grips.

It wasn’t. I ran.

In the dead of the night, I packed my things and I left him.

Now I’m back.

He’s still the same man. A deadly underground fighter for the House Of Obsidian. He’s still dangerous. He’s still broken. I still love him.

This is the part where I’m supposed to turn back around and run… But I don’t.

Title: Flawed Love
Series: House of Obsidian #2
Author: Bella Jewel
Cover Design: LM Creations
 Release Date: July 20, 2015


We were born into the same crowd.

His father: a useless drunk. My mother: a psycho junkie.

We lived across the road from each other.

We became best friends when I was only ten.

He became my sole reason for breathing.

Seven years later, he forgot about me.

I don’t know the exact moment he changed.

Suddenly I was just the girl next door, and he no longer cared.

He didn’t want to be in my life. He didn’t want to help.

He ran off the rails, tossing me aside.

I no longer mattered. Nothing we shared did.

The next thing I knew – he was gone.

Ten years and I didn’t see or hear from him.

Then came the call I’d be waiting for – he was back in town.

Only the man I remembered is not him.

This man is quiet, deadly, and so incredibly beautiful.

He also doesn’t remember me.

I let him believe I’m just a girl that walked into his bar.

I let him believe I’m just a friend.

I let him use me on the cold, dark nights.

I let him believe I’m incapable of love, just like he is.

I just let the secret go on and on.

But all secrets have an end, don’t they?

Author Bio

Bella Jewel is a self published, USA
Today bestselling author. She’s been publishing since 2013. Her first release
was a contemporary romance, Hell’s Knights which topped the charts upon
release. Since that time, she has published over five novels, gaining a
bestseller status on numerous platforms. She lives in North Queensland and is
currently studying editing and proofreading to further expand her career. Bella
has been writing since she was just shy of fifteen years old. In Summer 2013
she was offered an ebook deal through Montlake Romance for her bestselling
modern day pirate series, Enslaved By The Ocean. She plans to expand her
writing career, planning many new releases for the future.

Author Links


Cover Reveal: Escaping Parker by F. T. Zele

Cover_Reveal_BannerThank you for taking part in F. T. Zele's Cover Reveal of Escaping Parker.
This book will be releasing on June 24th.
We hope you and your readers enjoy this beautifully stunning cover!
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Title: Escaping Parker

Author: F. T. Zele

Genre: New Adult, Romantic Suspense

Cover Designer: Helen Williams with All Booked Out

Release Date: June 24th, 2015

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Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000031_00002]Clarissa never thought at age twenty-six she would be fearing for her life. Everything was going as planned, until her husband started showing a side of himself she didn’t know existed. Failed attempts at leaving him have now left her fighting for her life. Literally. She knows she has to figure out a plan to free herself from his tight grip, but it’s harder than she imagined.

Rig endured much pain after a tragedy left him trying to figure out his place in the world. He now plows through situations, leaving nothing safe in his wake. He lives for the thrill of danger and loves to be on the open road. He doesn’t mix business with pleasure, and he didn’t expect to fall in love with the girl he is hiding out.

When things get too intense between Clarissa and Rig, he decides he can no longer be her safety net. With his feelings clouding his judgment, it’s hard for him to choose between right and wrong.

Will Rig be able to figure out what he wants in time to save Clarissa’s life, or will she become another statistic of domestic abuse?


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Author_PictureF.T. Zele lives in Southern California with her Husband and 3 Sons. I am taking my passion for books and making it reality with writing, bringing these voices to life. Loves interacting with others talking about great Books and Book Boyfriends. I'm a sucker for HEA, and love Dark, Gritty, Angsty love stories. I have a weakness for Sour Patch Kids and have inappropriate fun when I'm having my wine at night tweeting my thoughts. I also like to make up words. The best word to describe me is Winetastic!


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