Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Book Blitz:Yesterday's Secrets... Tomorrow's Lies by Donnita Lachey

Title: Yesterday's Secrets... Tomorrow's Lies
Author: Donnita Lachey
 Release Date: May 25, 2015


Lauren Reynolds is a woman who knows what she wants…or at least she did, until she met Justin Wilder…

With small town Texas in her rear view mirror, Lauren’s course included a partnership in the Bostonian law firm, Anderson & Anderson, as well as a marriage with her law professor, Aaron, also a partner in the firm. Slated for the soon to be abdicated principal partner, Mason Anderson’s, chair. Lauren appears to have it all; until she meets Justin Wilder.

Justin, tantalizingly wealthy, sexy, connected and her ardent admirer, is also employed at Anderson & Anderson as a paralegal preparing for the bar...

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Author Bio

Donnita Lachey was born and raised in a small town in Texas. She first fell in love with literature as a young girl listening to story with twist and turn; new adventures that kept her mind racing long after the stories were done.

She knew one day she would write a story to share with the world.

Her passion first begun with poetry, but she's a sucker for a good ole love story. Donnita enjoys erotic romance, mysteries, humor and autobiographies.

Donnita had so many avenues when first deciding to make her work public.

With her debut novel Yesterday's Secrets...Tomorrow's Lies, Donnita developed something sensual with hints of humor and suspense. This novel will be followed by two more series.

In her spare time Donnita is a wife, and a mother still residing in Texas.

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